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Christ can

liberate... heal... rescue... deliver... unchain... redeem...

Principal Search

Seeking a School Principal Beginning July 1, 2025. If you would like to apply or know anyone that would, please read the requirements and duties carefully and submit your information online.

Young Adult Event at Seton!

Seton's Winter Schedule

Mass Times (starting Dec 1st)

7:30am, 9am & 11am [all in English]

Saturday Vigils
4:30pm in English | 6:30pm en Español

Daily and most weekend Masses are live streamed on YouTube [here] and available for viewing afterwards. Seasonal Mass times, Holy Days of Obligation and information on Reconciliation can be found below or by subscribing for reminders via our e-newsletter [here]. Our newsletter is generally once per week and we do not share your information.

Summer Mass Schedule

(Divine Mercy Sunday thru Feast of Christ the King)

Saturday Vigils
4:30pm in English
6:30pm en Español

Sunday Mornings
8:00am and 10:00am

Winter Schedule
First Sunday of Advent through Easter Sunday.

Daily Mass
8:00am Monday through Saturday


No Confession on Holy Saturday

Tuesday Evenings from 6:00-6:45pm
Saturdays from 3:00-3:45p (English)
Sabados de 5:30-6:15pm (Espanol)

Holy Days of Obligation Masses
4:30pm on the vigil
8am & 7pm (bilingual) on the Holy Day

Fr. Casey’s Homilies
Fr. Casey’s homilies are streamed during the Masses, but can also be seen as standalone videos on a separate YouTube playlist [here].

Questions on faith?

Which of the below describes you?(Required)

Engage with St. Elizabeth Seton. There's a place at our table for everyone.

Streamed Masses

Streamed on YouTube weekly, with Father's Homilies as separate videos.

Prayer Wall

Request prayers for your personal intention here. You WILL be prayed for.


Join the majesty and family that is the Catholic Church. Become fully Catholic!


Join a ministry and give of your time and talent. We have many ways to serve.


Set up online giving or major gifts. Sign up once and put stewarship on autopilot!


Get in touch with the many departments at Seton. We're here to serve you.

Join Our Family

Make it official. Fill out a form online and join the Seton community of faith!

News & Events

Download our bulletin and sign up for our e-newsletter. It's 1x per week. No spam!

Engage with Our Parish. Transform.

We’re here to help you transform. Meet our Pastor.

Welcome to Seton!

Come, worship with us. Participate in the holy sacrifice of the Mass!

Can I bring my children?

Yes, absolutely! Nurturing the faith of all life, Seton loves children!

God’s Mercy in Confession

Even the most private of sins affect our relationships with everyone. Come and experience grace.

Our biggest ministry…

It’s our school! No student is turned away if they desire a Catholic education.

How do I become Catholic?

Get baptized. Start the process. We welcome everyone. It’s never too late.

Faith without works?

Ministry abounds here. Get involved in outreach. Serve at Mass. Grow in your relationship with Christ.

Connect. Engage. Pray with us.

The Seton Spectator: Flocknote

Text Seton7 to 84576. For the Spectator in Spanish, text Seton7ESP to 84576. Or visit Flocknote’s website here. To change your preferences and sign-up for other email groups. [click here]

Facebook & Instagram

Like & Share on Facebook & IG! On Instagram, look for setonnaples. On Facebook: Or just search on St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. [click here]

Watch Mass Online

Live-streamed every week: 6:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish and the 10AM/11AM Sunday Mass in English. Daily Mass is live-streamed at 8AM, Monday – Saturday. Subscribe today! [click here]

Parish Prayer Line 239-455-3900

Parish Prayer Volunteers can pray for you – daily – and your petitions. During business hours, call the Parish Office and ask for the Prayer Line. Enter “301” after business hours. [click here]

Post a Prayer & Pray for Others

Visit our online prayer wall to add your prayer to the list. Click ‘I prayer for this’ so others know you have prayed for them. This is monitored daily. [click here]

Give Online

Online Giving is the safest and most efficient way to donate to the parish. Online Giving is secure and always controlled by you. Please visit here. Thank you so much! [click here]

Serving Every Age & Situation through Technology

Worship with Us Online. Never miss a Mass & Homily.

Luz Hansen


"Father Casey’s homilies are incredible and so applicable to our daily lives. I love that he teaches the truth of our Church. The people that work at the office are very kind and welcoming."

We challenge our flock to grow in Christ.

Tony Rey


"Christ is the main focus in Father Casey's mass, TRUTH is very evasive now days but not here. May God bless and protect Father Casey."

Recent Bulletins & News


February 9th, 2025 | Seton Bulletin & News

Into the Deep: Scott Hahn on the 5th Sunday Simon Peter, the fisherman, is the first to be called personally by Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. His calling resembles Isaiah’s commissioning in the First Reading: confronted with the holiness of the Lord, both Peter and Isaiah are overwhelmed by a sense…

January 19th, 2025 | Seton Bulletin & News

In the Wedding: Scott Hahn on the 2nd Sunday Think of these first weeks after Christmas as a season of “epiphanies.” The liturgy is showing us who Jesus is and what He has revealed about our relationship with God. Last week and the week before, the imagery was royal and…

January 12th, 2025 | Seton Bulletin & News

The Anointing: Scott Hahn on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord The Liturgy last week revealed the mystery of God’s plan—that in Jesus all peoples, symbolized by the Magi, have been made “coheirs” to the blessings promised to Israel. This week, we’re shown how we claim our inheritance.…