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Vote "NO" on Amendment #4

A dangerous amendment to the Florida constitution is on the Nov2024 ballot.

Read more about the frightening ramifications of this ballot measure here:

Vote NO to Protect Both Mother and Child!

An extremely grave amendment has been placed on the November 2024 ballot that seeks to erase pro-life protections by inserting language into the Florida Constitution banning regulation of abortion. This amendment to the Florida constitution would allow abortion up until birth, including when the baby is capable of feeling pain, and would eliminate laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is working hard to oppose this dangerous and deception amendment and urges all Floridians to vote ‘no’ on Amendment 4.

Pray to Defeat this Amendment

Ever-living God, you give life and desire a future for all your children. Take hold of our nation, state, and community and awaken in every heart awe for the gift of life. Send your Spirit to strengthen us with wisdom and fortitude as we defend mothers and children in Florida from laws that disregard their health and safety.

Mary and Joseph trusted in you and welcomed Jesus into our broken world. God Almighty, we ask their intercession to protect the preborn and their mothers, and to guide all parents in raising their children. May they help us build a civilization of love by upholding the sacredness of life and accompanying pregnant women in need.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady, Mother of the Family, pray for us!
St. Joseph, protector of the unborn, pray for us!

Winter Schedule begins on Sunday, December 1, 2024

Daily and most weekend Masses are live streamed on YouTube [here] and available for viewing afterwards. Seasonal Mass times, Holy Days of Obligation and information on Reconciliation can be found below or by subscribing for reminders via our e-newsletter [here]. Our newsletter is generally once per week and we do not share your information.

Summer Mass Schedule

(Divine Mercy Sunday thru Feast of Christ the King)

Saturday Vigils
4:30pm in English
6:30pm en Español

Sunday Mornings
8:00am and 10:00am

Winter Schedule
First Sunday of Advent through Easter Sunday.

Daily Mass
8:00am Monday through Saturday


No Confession on Holy Saturday

Tuesday Evenings from 6:00-6:45pm
Saturdays from 3:00-3:45p (English)
Sabados de 5:30-6:15pm (Espanol)

Holy Days of Obligation Masses
4:30pm on the vigil
8am & 7pm (bilingual) on the Holy Day

Fr. Casey’s Homilies
Fr. Casey’s homilies are streamed during the Masses, but can also be seen as standalone videos on a separate YouTube playlist [here].

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Live-streamed every week: 6:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish and the 10AM/11AM Sunday Mass in English. Daily Mass is live-streamed at 8AM, Monday – Saturday. Subscribe today! [click here]

Parish Prayer Line 239-455-3900

Parish Prayer Volunteers can pray for you – daily – and your petitions. During business hours, call the Parish Office and ask for the Prayer Line. Enter “301” after business hours. [click here]

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Luz Hansen


"Father Casey’s homilies are incredible and so applicable to our daily lives. I love that he teaches the truth of our Church. The people that work at the office are very kind and welcoming."

We challenge our flock to grow in Christ.

Tony Rey


"Christ is the main focus in Father Casey's mass, TRUTH is very evasive now days but not here. May God bless and protect Father Casey."

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