He has risen, indeed!
I am filled with the joy of the Risen Lord and I want to express my gratitude.
I am so proud of the Catechumens and Candidates that are now fully initiated Catholics! It has been almost a year of discernment and preparation by them to get to this Easter and receive the sacraments. I am proud of the children that were also in preparation most of the year to be baptized and receive First Holy Communion. You make us a better church that is closer to Him. I pray you all find Seton to be home for the rest of your lives.
I am so thankful for all the people in our parish that made this an exceptional Lenten season and Holy Week. Each year it seems we grow as a parish, not only in size but in spirituality. With every Lent and Easter I have celebrated here, my own faith in His Salvation brings me more peace, and I have so very many people to thank for this!
Thank you to the Sacristans, Altar Servers, Choir members, Musicians, Confession Hosts, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers and Decorators! Thank you to the numerous volunteers that care for our church, our campus, our community, those that help in the office, all of our Catechists, all the Women and Men of Emaus and all of those that pray for our parish! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for giving Seton proper Lenten Fish Frys that were delicious and fun. I offer a special thanks to those that returned to the Sacrament of Reconciliation after years away. You have courage, and you are an example to all of God’s Mercy.
Thank you to our Parish Staff, you have my gratitude. Thank you to all parishioners and all visitors, you have my prayers for a truly joy-filled Easter season.
Let our souls together rejoice and yearn for more!
~Fr. Casey