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January 7th, 2024 | Seton Bulletin & News


Fr. Casey | On Prayer & Adoration

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

God Bless You! I pray for the Lord’s blessing to be upon you and your families in 2024.

We are now halfway through the third year of the Eucharistic Revival, and this is the year the bishops would like us to focus on the Eucharist in the Life of the Parish. Also, we find ourselves at the time of year where our seasonal parishioners are returning to their homes in beautiful SWFL.

With these considerations, it seems a most appropriate time to invite the parish community for more hours of Eucharistic Adoration. From now until Easter the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed every Friday, following the 8am Mass until Reposition at 5pm.

These resources will be available to you at Friday Adoration: (in both English & Spanish):

  1. A card with suggestions of what to do during Adoration,
  2. Rosary beads with an instruction sheet on how to pray the rosary,
  3. Postcards which you may fill-out and use to let people know that you prayed for them at Adoration.

I ask that you intentionally commit to coming on each Friday for 30-60min. Make this your New Year’s Resolution! I know that my life changed significantly when I committed to spending an hour daily in front of the Blessed Sacrament. My hope is that the Eucharistic Lord will also draw you to Himself.

If you do not know what to pray for:

  • Pray in thanksgiving for all the good things in your life and for our Nation.
  • Pray in supplication, giving to Jesus the concerns and anxieties in your heart.
  • Pray for others, asking Mother Mary and the Saints to intercede, praying with you, for the people you love.
  • Pray simply to praise and adore Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for me, Fr. Alejandro and the staff of the parish as we try to meet your needs as best we can.

Sign-ups for Friday Adoration, to ensure that Jesus is not left alone, are in The Seton Spectator (Flocknote) or on paper at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex.

In the Love of the Eucharistic Lord,
Rev. Casey F. Jones, Pastor