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Join Seton on this glorious

Holy Week & Easter

...The deepest and most powerful impulses of love must spring from this Week, in which we are called to a special and exceptional, solidarity with Christ, in his passion and death on the Cross. "For God so loved the world"—man in the world—"that he gave his only Son" (Jn 3:16). - St. Pope John Paul II

Easter Masses

Easter Vigil
8:30pm, March 30th

Easter Sunday, March 31st
Masses in English: 7:30am, 9am and 11am
Mass in Spanish: 3pm

Holy Week Schedule & Confessions

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm, Bilingual

Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross: 3pm Eng | 7pm Spa

Living Stations of the Cross at 2pm and 6pm on Good Friday in the church

The Great Easter Vigil with baptisms and receptions into the Catholic Church Starting Holy Saturday at 8:30PM (three hours and a beautiful liturgy)

(No 4:30pm or 6:30pm Mass on Holy Saturday)

Easter Sunday Masses, March 31st

  • 7:30AM, 9AM AND 11AM in English
  • 3PM in Spanish

Confessions Before Easter

Reminder: no Confessions on Holy Saturday

Confession at St Elizabeth Seton

Monday March 25, 8:30-9am

Last Confession until after Easter
Tuesday March 26, 5-6:45pm

No Adoration with Praise & Worship on Tuesday, March 26 or April 2.
Confession aids available in the Narthex.

Fr. Casey on Confession

Read Fr. Casey’s Lenten Letters about Confession here:


Prayer Before Confession

Come Holy Spirit, into my soul. Enlighten my mind that I may know the sins I ought to confess, and grant me your grace to confess them fully, humbly, and with a contrite heart. Help me to firmly resolve not to commit them again. O Blessed Virgin, Mother of my Redeemer, intercede for me through the Passion of Your Son, that I may obtain the grace to make a good confession. All you blessed Angels and Saints of God, pray for me, a sinner, that I may repent from my sins, and that my heart may be forever united with yours in eternal love.