Kevin Bailey
Kevin’s drive these days comes from Pope Francis’ call in Evangelii Gaudium for Catholics to be disciples of Christ. ‘As lay Catholics, we’ve actually got to be real; we’ve got to be counter-cultural; we’ve got to differentiate; we’ve got to lay down our lives for something that’s worth laying down our lives for.
Kevin, whose passion extends to his family and Catholic faith, began his working life in the Australian Army and the Special Air Service (SAS) before embarking on a career in the financial services sector.
Kevin, currently a Director of Parousia and also Divine Renovation Australasia, has written two books, ‘Your Money Guide’ and ‘Money Guide 2’, and was a weekly Herald Sun columnist for a decade. He also provided financial advice to listeners of radio station 774 Melbourne for 12 years.
Dr. Robert Haddad
Robert Haddad is a Catholic teacher, apologist and evangelist who holds firmly to all the truths of the Catholic Faith and wishes all to come to know, love and live the Catholic Faith. Robert promotes the Catholic Faith through his public speaking tours, videos and books.
Dr Robert M. Haddad holds qualifications in law, theology, philosophy and religious education, including a MA (Theo.), MRelEd, M. Phil. and a Ph.D. Robert has also authored various books, including: Defend the Faith!, Lord of History Series (2 volumes), The Apostles’ Creed, Law and Life, The Family and Human Life, The Case for Christianity — St Justin Martyr’s Arguments for Religious Liberty and Judicial Justice, Answering the Anti-Catholic Challenge (ch. 3), 1001 Reasons Why It’s Great to be Catholic!, Always Be Prepared, and Jesus Played Marbles.
Since 1990, Robert has worked at St Charbel’s College, the University of Sydney Catholic Chaplaincy, the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, the Catholic Adult Education Centre, the Centre for Thomistic Studies, and Lumen Verum Apologetics. In 2014, Robert was awarded an Australia Day Award by the Australia Day Council of New South Wales for his overall contribution to education and in 2020 the Dempsey Medal by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP for his work in evangelization. Currently, he is the Manager, Network Catholic Identity for Sydney Catholic Schools with responsibility for staff faith formation, family evangelisation and youth ministry in 152 primary and secondary schools.
Charbel Raish
He is the founder of Parousia Media which was born in May of 2005. He has organized over 1000 face to face and virtual events consisting of local and international speakers who have featured all over Australia and the world. Charbel has coordinated Faith Formation events for over 21 years.
Charbel Raish is married to Christine and they have been blessed with eight children together. Charbel has a passion for helping people get closer to discovering the fullness of Truth and invites anyone who is willing & able to help him on this mission of evangelisation through Parousia.
Charbel has two Degrees – Master of Arts and Theological Studies from the University of Notre Dame in Sydney, and his undergraduate Degree in Personal Development and Physical Education from the Australian College of Physical Education in Homebush Bay. He has experience as both a Phys. Ed. teacher and Religion teacher for Primary and Secondary Schools since 2005.
Currently, Charbel is working full time with Parousia, his greatest passion, which specializes in Faith Formation resources and events. Over one million people have been evangelized through the work of Parousia and well over one million resources have been distributed during that time.
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and preacher. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a Master of Theological Studies Degree from the University of Dallas. He is the host of Beacon of Truth on EWTN Radio, has appeared in the major motion picture Power in My Hands, and his video reflections on the Mass readings are featured by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Deacon Harold, a
Benedictine Oblate, is the author of six books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality, Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons, and the acclaimed new book Building a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to Racism. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.